How to increase productivity of your fleet
Posted on 25 June 2020 by Utemaster

Often the quickest win for improving productivity is applying the principle of 5S to your fleet vehicles.
What is 5S? 5S is a system for organising spaces so work can be performed efficiently and safely.
Set aside a couple of hours to do this properly:
1) Sort
Take everything out of the back of your ute and lay it out on the ground. Throw any rubbish or broken equipment away and then sort the remainder of the gear into two piles. One is essential gear and the other is not required.
2) Set in order
Now it's time to load your gear into the vehicle in a tidy, structured manner.
3) Shine
Give your fitout a full clean, this includes a full wipe down of all the shelves and drawers - it should look brand new!
4) Standardise
The standard you have now set is what you should maintain. The best way to sustain this new standard is to take photos of each side of the vehicle and keep a copy so you can refer back to how it should look.
5) Sustain
A regular cleaning schedule will help you maintain these new standards. As part of this, we also recommend you implement a regular improvement to how you have set this up. Even if it saves you 2 seconds, it all adds up! An example could be further separating your parts with easy to read labels, or fixing a new hook to hang your cable on so it doesn’t get tangled.
By implementing these processes you be can more productive and save time on the job site. If you would like advice on how you can further improve your Ute or Van fitout talk to the team at Utemaster.